World Sleep day

Resting your eyes, having a catnap or just closing your eyes are wonderful reasons to recharge and feel better!

Posted by Avail Content
11 months ago

World Sleep Day aims to consider and aid those who have sleep problems. It is useful for educating people all over the world about the importance of sleep, as well as changing the way people view and experience sleep by giving them valuable resources to help them in their daily lives.

According to the American Sleep Association, over 50 to 70 million people have some type of sleeping disorder, over 25 million have sleep apnea, and the most commonly reported sleep problem is insomnia (the inability to sleep at all or for a full night).

Take a nap: 20 minutes leaves your feeling recharged and refreshed.  Try just closing your eyes on your lunch break!

Practice Sleep Hygiene: WHAT is that?  It is another way of saying ‘routine.’
    Fixed bed time and wake time - the Circadium rhythms of the body work better when these times       are fixed each day. Even weekends.

    Exercise - walk \, run\, squat\, jump\, stretch. We don’t do enough phsyical activity. Try stretching and     doing jumping jack while watching TV.   You’ll feel better\, sleep better and cut down on that     anxiety.

    No techy gadgets 30-60 minutes before bed. Your brain needs to relax and get de-stimulated for a     long, nice, refreshing sleep.   ]
                    Instead - read a book, rifle through a magazine, listen to music, listen to soft sounds such                         as rain or birds chirping.

    Lights! Dim the switch. This tells the brian its time to get ready for sleep and helps you wind down.

    Meditate and stretch.  Deep slow breaths, gentle stretches, be silent and mindful. Of if you don’t     want to meditate, find a quiet place or room.

    Mattress-  How is your back? What is the lifetime of your mattress? Avoid sleeping on your             stomach.   Is your pillow to big, to flat? Find the right pillow for your neck. Perhaps a new one is in     order?

Sweet Dreams

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World Sleep day

Last updated 11 months ago

World Sleep Day aims to consider and aid those who have sleep problems. It is useful for educating people all over the world about the importance of sleep, as well as changing the way people view and experience sleep by giving them valuable resources to help them in their daily lives.

According to the American Sleep Association, over 50 to 70 million people have some type of sleeping disorder, over 25 million have sleep apnea, and the most commonly reported sleep problem is insomnia (the inability to sleep at all or for a full night).

Take a nap: 20 minutes leaves your feeling recharged and refreshed.  Try just closing your eyes on your lunch break!

Practice Sleep Hygiene: WHAT is that?  It is another way of saying ‘routine.’
    Fixed bed time and wake time - the Circadium rhythms of the body work better when these times       are fixed each day. Even weekends.

    Exercise - walk \, run\, squat\, jump\, stretch. We don’t do enough phsyical activity. Try stretching and     doing jumping jack while watching TV.   You’ll feel better\, sleep better and cut down on that     anxiety.

    No techy gadgets 30-60 minutes before bed. Your brain needs to relax and get de-stimulated for a     long, nice, refreshing sleep.   ]
                    Instead - read a book, rifle through a magazine, listen to music, listen to soft sounds such                         as rain or birds chirping.

    Lights! Dim the switch. This tells the brian its time to get ready for sleep and helps you wind down.

    Meditate and stretch.  Deep slow breaths, gentle stretches, be silent and mindful. Of if you don’t     want to meditate, find a quiet place or room.

    Mattress-  How is your back? What is the lifetime of your mattress? Avoid sleeping on your             stomach.   Is your pillow to big, to flat? Find the right pillow for your neck. Perhaps a new one is in     order?

Sweet Dreams