What Happens when you sleep?

Sleep Series - Article 1

Posted by Avail Content
11 months ago

Four Stages of Sleep:

Sleep is a mysterious state which is both more active and complex than it first appears. Not all sleep is the same. The Sleep cycle in the above picture shows the different types or stages we go through as we sleep.

We move through these different sleep stages – 4 or 5 times – through the night and may wake up briefly as well. Having a good night’s sleep depends on spending enough time in deep sleep (non-REM stage 3). When you have had enough deep sleep you will wake up feeling refreshed and full of energy.

Next to Why is a good night’s sleep important?

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What Happens when you sleep?

Last updated 11 months ago

Four Stages of Sleep:

Sleep is a mysterious state which is both more active and complex than it first appears. Not all sleep is the same. The Sleep cycle in the above picture shows the different types or stages we go through as we sleep.

We move through these different sleep stages – 4 or 5 times – through the night and may wake up briefly as well. Having a good night’s sleep depends on spending enough time in deep sleep (non-REM stage 3). When you have had enough deep sleep you will wake up feeling refreshed and full of energy.

Next to Why is a good night’s sleep important?