How to form a new habit

Change something you do daily

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il y a 1 an

What is your goal?  Successful routine building is important.

1. Make a plan that helps reach your goals. How do you give yourself structure. What works for you to succeed. Expect some trial and error.

2. Set up a timeline - be accountable to yourself and others.

3. Who is your support network? Individuals\, groups or an appropriate support network will help keep you on track.  A  self reward system can help track your mini and log term milestones.

4. Behavior - if you end a behavior or trend\, replace it with a new positive one. Change your environment.  Change your phone notification settings to get interrupted less\, or keep only healthy snacks on hand in the household.

5. It takes 60 days to form a habit. Be committed. Focus on the goal. Trial and error are common until you find what works for you.

6. Find a mindful activity that helps you refocus. Deep breathing\, take a 5 minute walk or a fidget gadget toy to stay distracted.

Small steps become part of the journey towards creating new habits.

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How to form a new habit

Dernière mise à jour il y a 1 an

What is your goal?  Successful routine building is important.

1. Make a plan that helps reach your goals. How do you give yourself structure. What works for you to succeed. Expect some trial and error.

2. Set up a timeline - be accountable to yourself and others.

3. Who is your support network? Individuals\, groups or an appropriate support network will help keep you on track.  A  self reward system can help track your mini and log term milestones.

4. Behavior - if you end a behavior or trend\, replace it with a new positive one. Change your environment.  Change your phone notification settings to get interrupted less\, or keep only healthy snacks on hand in the household.

5. It takes 60 days to form a habit. Be committed. Focus on the goal. Trial and error are common until you find what works for you.

6. Find a mindful activity that helps you refocus. Deep breathing\, take a 5 minute walk or a fidget gadget toy to stay distracted.

Small steps become part of the journey towards creating new habits.