Planning For Your Retirement: A Few Questions To Ask Yourself Ahead of Time

In the years preceding retirement, most people seek expert advice to help with financial planning. This planning helps ensure that we can support our financial needs when we no longer have a stream of steady employment income.

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5 years ago

Retirement is something that is often eagerly anticipated for years before it actually occurs.
In the years preceding retirement, most people seek expert advice to help with financial planning. This planning helps ensure that we can support our financial needs when we no longer have a stream of steady employment income.

But retirement presents more challenges than just financial ones. It can be a difficult transition to make both psychologically and emotionally. For example:

  • what will you do on a daily basis that will keep you physically active and mentally challenged?
  • how will you structure your day if you don’t have to report to a certain location at a specific time?
  • who will you socialize with if you don’t have coworkers to talk to throughout the day?
  • how will you maintain a sense of individuality when you may be spending more time than ever with your spouse or partner?

An Exercise: What’s in a word?

What does ‘retire’ mean to you?

Some dictionary definitions suggest that retirement is a ‘withdrawal from work life’ or ‘removal from service’ or even ‘taken out of circulation.’ Left unexamined, these definitions can undermine any efforts you might have to approaching your retirement as a period of transition and opportunity.
Retirement is potentially many positive things. Among these:

  • Retirement is a career change;
  • Retirement is a transition to a new stage of your life;
  • Retirement is movement towards something new in life;
  • Retirement is a time of renewed enthusiasm;  and,
  • Retirement is a kind of ‘graduation’ from one stage of life to the next.

Think about your definition of retirement. Challenge yourself to create a definition of retirement that is positive, focused on the future that you want to have, and motivates you to take action.

And answer this question:

“To me, retirement means…”

Learn More

For more information about planning retirement, the following sites may be helpful.

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Planning For Your Retirement: A Few Questions To Ask Yourself Ahead of Time

Last updated 5 years ago

Retirement is something that is often eagerly anticipated for years before it actually occurs.
In the years preceding retirement, most people seek expert advice to help with financial planning. This planning helps ensure that we can support our financial needs when we no longer have a stream of steady employment income.

But retirement presents more challenges than just financial ones. It can be a difficult transition to make both psychologically and emotionally. For example:

  • what will you do on a daily basis that will keep you physically active and mentally challenged?
  • how will you structure your day if you don’t have to report to a certain location at a specific time?
  • who will you socialize with if you don’t have coworkers to talk to throughout the day?
  • how will you maintain a sense of individuality when you may be spending more time than ever with your spouse or partner?

An Exercise: What’s in a word?

What does ‘retire’ mean to you?

Some dictionary definitions suggest that retirement is a ‘withdrawal from work life’ or ‘removal from service’ or even ‘taken out of circulation.’ Left unexamined, these definitions can undermine any efforts you might have to approaching your retirement as a period of transition and opportunity.
Retirement is potentially many positive things. Among these:

  • Retirement is a career change;
  • Retirement is a transition to a new stage of your life;
  • Retirement is movement towards something new in life;
  • Retirement is a time of renewed enthusiasm;  and,
  • Retirement is a kind of ‘graduation’ from one stage of life to the next.

Think about your definition of retirement. Challenge yourself to create a definition of retirement that is positive, focused on the future that you want to have, and motivates you to take action.

And answer this question:

“To me, retirement means…”

Learn More

For more information about planning retirement, the following sites may be helpful.