Articles to Support Your Health and Well-being
Managing your money so it goes further is critical right now to hold on to more of your cash and income. One way you can do that is by becoming more frugal.
It’s no secret the holidays can be draining, both emotionally and financially. You can set with friends and family now to set yourself up for financial success.
Self-care: daily actions nurturing physical, emotional, and mental well-being across 8 areas are as below:-
So in case you need to hear this, it’s definitely not wrong to be frugal this holiday season.
Why Does Financial Wellness Matter? How financially healthy are you? Do you have a budget? A spending plan?
Handling money is a talent few of us are born with. But it is a skill that can be learned.
Making a habit of saving money. Daily routines will help you feel more confident, boost self - esteem and feel more in control.
Job loss ranks high among stressful and traumatic events for many, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Financial self-care ensures stability and peace of mind. Explore its importance, strategies, and benefits for personal financial health and well-being.
First and foremost, a frugal life will allow you to build more financial freedom into your life by accelerating how quickly you achieve your financial goals.
Follow these 5 financial fitness tips and be the best you possible.
The holidays are a time to celebrate with family and friends. People often overbook themselves or try please everyone.
To determine how serious your debt is you need to determine how much of your monthly net income (income after taxes, actual take-home pay) is going toward paying your debt.
What are the types of boundaries? Identify how each one resonates with you.
There are a number of different credit options available to you if you need a credit card. Use this checklist to find the best credit card for you, or to evaluate any card(s) you may already have.
The holiday season is approaching, which for many also means gift-giving season. Take a moment to reflect: how does shopping for gifts affect you?
How much should you set aside for each area?
In the past few decades, retirement has taken quite a turn...occurring later and calling for more financial planning and preparation than in years past. Start planning now!
In the years preceding retirement, most people seek expert advice to help with financial planning. This planning helps ensure that we can support our financial needs when we no longer have a stream of steady employment income.
Article stresses holistic self-care: exercises, mindfulness, boundaries for physical, emotional, mental health; aids stress, relationships, well-being.
Are you approaching retirement with goals or assuming you'll figure that out when you get there?
Do you have a negative cash flow? Trying to cut back on expenditures to save more money and work towards your financial goals?
Setting boundaries, especially with family members, can be a tricky balancing act — and finances are no exception
The life-long benefits of teaching your children good money habits make it well worth the effort. Teach children the basics of earning, spending, and saving when they are young (e.g. age 5).
6 Ways to Practice Self-Care During the Holidays
Avail - The creation of To-Do list feature can help you in many ways.
Time management has proven effective as a tool for productivity. Those who excel at time management perform well and have an improved sense of well-being.
To help you stay financially healthy you need to understand credit.
Staying within a positive cash flow these days can be challenging.
Self-care is often seen as a superfluous activity, but it's actually one of the most important things you can do for yourself.
If you’re struggling with financial avoidance or financial denial, it's important for your future to take action to get your money matters back on track.